Monday, March 18, 2013

YWCA Skit & Volunteering

Today has been an absolutely amazing first day of service. Our group went to the YWCA in the heart of Knoxville and spread awareness of domestic violence.

First we chalked statistics of stalking, domestic abuse, and dating abuse in Market Square

Then it poured outside :(

I helped clean the fitness center and my other trip members cleaned the YWCA kitchen and organized donated clothes. 

I love all the resources offered to residents at the YWCA. Allie the coordinator of the transitional housing program said the residents range in age between 19-65 years old and stay between a month and up to two years. 

The best part of today was the skit we put on for the residents and staff. We showed a common relationship where domestic violence is present. I played the female lead! Nick, the trip co-leader, was the male lead. (The video will be posted soon). We illustrated the four stages of domestic violence: seduction, isolation, the threat of fear, and aggression. The audience loved it and I am very proud of the work we all put into it.

It was powerful hearing the advice and suggestions the residents and the staff gave us today. I'm really excited for all the other activities we have planned for this week and we're doing Zumba later tonight in the church. :)

For more info about the YWCA visit here .

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