Monday, March 18, 2013

A Day of Chalk, Grease, and Inspiration

Today we had the awesome experience of working with one of our partners for this trip, the YWCA of Knoxville.  We started out on a mission to chalk Market Square with facts and statistics about domestic violence.  I had a great time with Mary as my co-chalker writing different stats on the sidewalk so that others could read and learn about the issue during their day to day lives.  I think that making the issue a normal conversation topic is one of the first steps towards breaking the silence that surrounds and perpetuates domestic violence.  Unfortunately, it rained later in the day though, because our efforts were washed away.

The rain, in my eyes, turned out to be a blessing.  Since we had to pack up our chalking efforts early, we were able to clean some of the YWCA.  I helped clean some of the kitchen, using my little steel wool pad to scrub away the grease on the side of the oven.  I felt really bad for our fearless leader, Nick, who took on the arduous task of cleaning the grease trap.  I am surprised he's not still scrubbing!  Cleaning and helping sort through,  fold and hang clothing donations was such a rewarding part of this trip.  A few of the residents of the YWCA came down and saw us cleaning and seemed truly appreciative of our work.  Just knowing that I could help these women, many of whom are survivors of domestic violence, is something that I can cherish for the rest of my life.

The best part of the day though, was definitely creating and performing our skit for the women who resided at the YWCA.  We were trying to show the different stages of unhealthy relationships: seduction, isolation, threat of violence, and finally aggression/violence.  I have learned about the stages and the factors involved in domestic violence in so many of my psychology and women's studies classes, but it was just so awesome to come together with everyone on the trip to put on an interactive performance for the residents at the YWCA.  I had such a fun time creating the skit and watching all of the pieces and ideas that everyone had come together.  It takes a great group of people to be able to listen and work collaboratively to achieve a goal. I wish all of my group projects for class could go this smoothly!

We also had an incredibly inspiring discussion with some of the women who had experienced some level of violence.  I was amazed at how willing they were to talk with us and share advice and knowledge they had.  They are a truly remarkable group of women.   Some of what I hope to do later in life is to work with women in emotionally abusive relationships or dating cycles, and listening to these women talk, for me, was a huge confirmation that I want to spend my life reaching out and helping survivors in any way I can.

I think I am about out of my ramble space, so I'll finish up.  I will try to get Sydney (our other fearless leader), to post the video of our performance.  I am sure pictures will also be posted, so stay tuned!

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