Monday, April 15, 2013

AB Reunion

Today we had AB Reunion. All of the Alternative Break teams got together to share our experience.

AB interns, coordinators, and alumni gave us the speeches. We got to know that there will be a resource packet which includes everything related to the AB trips. Videos from all groups were played on the big screen.

We also did some activities together. 
First, we did a reflection where we tried to think about our values, what we did during the trip and what we are going to do after the trip. And we tried to relate them together.  
Second, We read and signed the pledge together.
"I am a Breaker and I am an active member of my community. 
 I pledge…
To stay connected to my community
To remember my Alternative Breaks experience, the people I met, and the communities I served.
To deepen my understanding of the social, political ad economic structures of our world.
To think critically about how social justice issues affect people and communities
To take actions that will change the world to be more socially just.
I pledge to carry this commitment with me this year & beyond.
Last, we broke into groups. We talked about the plan of chalking on Maryland Day.

It was good to see some of us and to see other Alternative Breakers. I'm looking forward to seeing all of us again!