Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blob Tag, Peeps, & General Group Cohesion

As Mary described in the previous post, today we focused on issue education at the Domestic Violence Forum hosted by the Blount County Sheriff's Office. It was an intense experience to say the least, and affected all of us at many different levels. It's no wonder we spent nearly two hours in discussion after dinner-- there was A LOT to reflect on.

To lighten things up, I thought it would be fun to post a few of the random pics that made it to my camera this week:

Reenergized after Blob Tag

Cupcake Decorating with PEEPS!

Post-Zumba with our instructor, Becky!

Playing Apples to Apples

Practicing our group problem solving skills

 "Bedpan Banjo" at the Museum of Appalachia
The infamous "Chicken Man" (as seen on the Tonight Show!) performing as Willie Nelson

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