Thursday, March 21, 2013

Encouraging Discouragement

Today, we headed to Market Square in downtown Knoxville to resurrect our messages of chalk the rain washed away from Monday. As much as I dislike chalking, I did love watching a handful of the girls display their artistic abilities through the colorful dust. A couple of us were also successful with spreading information on services offer to the community through the YWCA, unfortunately I wasn't a part of this group either but I learned a lot from watching them!

We were encouraged to watch passersby reading the many facts on domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking offered to us by the YWCA. It is definitely an effective and attractive way to inform the Knoxville community on a relevant issue that is often pushed under the rug.

For the afternoon event, we headed to the YWCA branch that houses the after school program for middle school students. We spent quality time creating an effective skit for them focusing on sexting, respecting authority, isolation, and saying no. Unfortunately the behavior of the children weren't cohesive with the skit, but we were still proud of the performance and our efforts.

 The one thing we walked away understanding was that we are truly privileged to be apart of such an edifying environment at the University of Maryland and not everyone receives the same opportunities we do. We also noticed the limited resources the YWCA has to distribute to these students. There is such a high need but it also appears to be a low priority. It is also easy to criticize and suggest from the outside, but interacting with the kids let us know that there is a lot to be done.

The experience it self was discouraging because of the situation the students are in and the lifestyles they lead, but it was encouraging to know we are in a position to empower them and improve ourselves in order to advance them in the future.

The most appreciated reflection of the day is how supportive and comfortable we are as group. Everyday we are growing closer and breaking down walls of injustice in the Knoxville community, but also the stereotypical walls that we had of each other at the start of this trip.

The last few days are going to make it harder to leave this city and this group!

Here is a surprise we found at the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame yesterday:

Some pictures from downtown Knoxville:

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