Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Post-Trip Service and Awareness Event

Now that we have returned from our trip we are all still trying to BREAK the SILENCE surrounding domestic violence. The day before Maryland Day some of us headed over to Mckeldin Mall to chalk, our favorite way to ignite conversation about the issue of domestic violence. We chatted with a few people and Testudo even appeared and helped us out! Amber, one of the participants who will be leading the Knoxville trip next year, recently put on an Awareness event concerning domestic violence for her class. At the end of the talk, we rolled up tiny sheets of paper with facts and help numbers concerning domestic violence and hid them in empty lipstick tubes. This is a tactic that some domestic violence help centers use to provide their clients with safe references; potential abusers often don't look inside of lipstick tubes for help resources. Keep an eye out around campus for Amber's lipstick campaign! Here are a few pictures of the awareness event and our post trip service


1 comment:

University of Maryland Alternative Breaks said...

Awesome job Team Knoxville! We love seeing how activated you all are. How cool that Testudo even joined in!